Tuesday, March 22, 2011

2011 Spring General Election in Canada????

Well folks it appears that the Liberals, NDP, and Bloc are shooting down the new budget and probably will call a spring election. In my opinion Michael Ignatieff is just a whiney little bastard that will bitch and moan until he gets what he wants. I see all the slam campaigns between all three major parties and honestly none of them are good. They are all focused on slamming the other guy when they should be broadcasting what they WILL do for Canada if they become "the Government". Honestly Canada has had too many Liberals and each one screws the economy one way or the other, I think Canada deserves a government based on responsibility and the Conservatives are that party.

Now I will admit the Harper Government has its ups and downs since taking office in 2006 but I personally believe that Canada is better now than we were 5 years ago. When Paul Martin was in office five years ago Canada's economy was on a downward slope and there was a high debt and HIGH taxes but still NOT enough income to afford the programs he and his Liberal government had implemented. Stephen Harper has been cleaning almost 20 years of the Liberal party's mess and now they want the country back once Canada has become prosperous in the global market I SAY KEEP THEM OUT! Sure Stephen Harper isn't the best candidate for a Administrative Office but he is a hell of a lot better than "Iggy", Layton, or Duceppe? (Don't know his name because honestly HE AND THE BLOC ARE NOT IMPORTANT! in any other province but Quebec).

Now with the campaign on the way the big question is who will you as a registered Canadian voter elect? Mr. Harper the Incumbent despite Locking Parliment last year, Iggy even though he calls America "his country" and the "finest republic he ever lived in" who will go back to Boston once the Liberals dump him if he doesn't win, Jack Layton the socialist that wants Canada to become COMMUNIST, or will you throw your vote away on the Bloc? or hell even the Green? I honestly think the Green party has more of a chance of becoming "the Government" before the Bloc ever could.....

{Personal Section}
Well I have not been on here since December 2010. I have been very busy these past months and I will try to blog more often. I am not too sure the direction I am going to go with this blog, I know it will be Right Winged but I don't know if I want to go unbiased or my personal opinion on Canadian and American politics. I may just make this a blog about Canadian and American politics. I will think it over and we will all see what happens with this blog.

Thanks for reading, Mr. Cody Leland.